Op/ed: College campuses crying out for leadership from their presidents
When is the last time a campus president spoke out on immigration, income equality, joblessness, health care or climate control?
Ex-CEO shares Trader Joe’s secrets
Speaking in Thousand Oaks on Nov. 9, former Trader Joe’s CEO John Shields offered up business advice and anecdotes from his thirteen years spent heading up what Fortune magazine recently called “the hottest and most secretive retailer in America.” Shields, who guided Trader Joe’s growth from 27 to 174 stores and from $132 million to Read More →
Lopker tells her story at CSUCI
Today, Pamela Lopker is the founder, president and chairman of the board of Santa Barbara-based QAD, a $220-million-a-year manufacturing software company with 1,300 employees. But back in the in the 1970s, Lopker, the daughter of a U.S. Navy engineer, was coding software at a defense subcontractor when she realized she had brighter career prospects. “As Read More →