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Cannabis industry expected to split in two

By   /  Friday, March 24th, 2017  /  Agribusiness, Central Coast, Latest news, Small Business, South Coast, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Cannabis industry expected to split in two

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Lumps of coal for employers’ holiday stockings

By   /  Friday, December 16th, 2016  /  Latest news, Law & Goverment, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Lumps of coal for employers’ holiday stockings

By Jonathan Light There is great uncertainty about whether proposed federal wage and hour laws are going to be implemented in 2017, but there are plenty of other things to worry about on the employment law front in California. Regardless of the federal implementation, we won’t see much federal effect in California. Here are just Read More →


Dubroff: California’s legalization of marijuana could go up in smoke

By   /  Friday, December 2nd, 2016  /  Agribusiness, Columns, Latest news  /  2 Comments

Henry Dubroff

In light of the recent election, it’s worth noting that Colorado sales from recreational marijuana soared to $1 billion in fiscal 2015 and the state’s haul of tax revenue has risen to $135 million. But the election of Donald Trump and his selection of Sen. Jeff Sessions as the attorney general-designate have rattled that state’s Read More →


Central Coast entrepreneurs high on marijuana

By   /  Friday, November 18th, 2016  /  Agribusiness, Central Coast, Top Stories, Top Story, Tourism, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Central Coast entrepreneurs high on marijuana

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Medical marijuana collective raided, CEO arrested

By   /  Tuesday, November 8th, 2016  /  Agribusiness, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Medical marijuana collective raided, CEO arrested

Sespe Creek Collective, one of the tri-county region’s biggest and most visible medical marijuana providers, was raided by Ventura County law enforcement agencies on Nov. 3 and its CEO was arrested on suspicion of multiple felonies. Chelsea Sutula of Ventura, who runs Sespe Creek, spent the night in jail and is now free on bail. Read More →


Proposition 64 makes investing in marijuana tricky business

By   /  Friday, November 4th, 2016  /  Agribusiness, left  /  Comments Off on Proposition 64 makes investing in marijuana tricky business

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Tax measures could alter tri-county marijuana market

By   /  Friday, July 29th, 2016  /  Agribusiness, Health Care & Life Science, left  /  Comments Off on Tax measures could alter tri-county marijuana market

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