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Tri-Counties race to control marijuana

By   /  Friday, January 22nd, 2016  /  Agribusiness, Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Top Stories, Top Story  /  Comments Off on Tri-Counties race to control marijuana

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Santa Barbara scrambles to regulate pot dispensaries

By   /  Friday, November 27th, 2015  /  Columns, Latest news, Real Estate  /  Comments Off on Santa Barbara scrambles to regulate pot dispensaries

Ryan Howe left a stable gig in the entertainment industry to vie for a coveted spot in Santa Barbara’s medical marijuana dispensary market. The former president of the Los Angeles-based production company Thunder Bay Pictures now aims to start one of three allowable dispensaries within city limits. “It was a philosophical change in my life,” Read More →


Weeding out weed: EST device sniffs out medical marijuana

By   /  Friday, December 2nd, 2011  /  Features, Technology  /  Comments Off on Weeding out weed: EST device sniffs out medical marijuana

In a laboratory in Newbury Park, a team of engineers has taught a machine to take a big whiff of pot.