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Oil workers file lawsuit against Plains All American Pipeline

By   /  Monday, September 14th, 2015  /  Energy, Latest news, Law & Goverment  /  Comments Off on Oil workers file lawsuit against Plains All American Pipeline

A lawsuit representing oil industry workers who were laid off following the Refugio oil spill was filed against Plains All American Pipeline, Santa Barbara-based law firm Cappello & Noel recently announced. Richard Lilygren, who has worked on the offshore oil platforms near Santa Barbara for more than a decade, filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court on Read More →


Goleta will allow Venoco to transport oil using trucks

By   /  Wednesday, August 19th, 2015  /  Energy, Latest news, Tri-County Public Companies  /  Comments Off on Goleta will allow Venoco to transport oil using trucks

The city of Goleta issued a notice of decision to Venoco on Aug. 17 that denied an emergency permit application to transport oil using trucks but deemed the work consistent under the existing Ellwood Onshore Facility operating permit and Safety, Inspection, Maintenance and Quality Assurance Plan. Venoco will evacuate crude oil from tanks and pipelines Read More →


Venoco asks Goleta for permission to move two truckloads of oil per day

By   /  Tuesday, July 28th, 2015  /  Energy, Latest news, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Venoco asks Goleta for permission to move two truckloads of oil per day

Venoco has asked the city of Goleta for emergency authority to move two truckloads per day of oil from its Ellwood facility to Santa Maria for the next 17 days. Venoco said it was making the request so that lines and other facilities could be cleared in order to complete mandatory inspections. Venoco said it Read More →


Oil and gas software firm scores $20M

By   /  Friday, March 20th, 2015  /  Latest news, Small Business, Technology, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Oil and gas software firm scores $20M

Founded in 2009, Seven Lakes Technologies develops plug-and-play software that optimizes operations at oil and gas companies using data-driven analytics.


Op/ed: Don’t fall for the scary headlines about falling oil prices

By   /  Friday, January 9th, 2015  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Don’t fall for the scary headlines about falling oil prices

If oil were to disappear completely from our economy, it would just about offset our estimated one percent increase in GDP benefit of lower oil prices.


Dubroff: With drought worries shelved, falling oil prices give region a break

By   /  Friday, December 19th, 2014  /  Columns, Latest news, Opinion, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: With drought worries shelved, falling oil prices give region a break

On a drive throughout much of the Highway 101 corridor dodging rainstorms on Dec. 15, I learned a lot about how much the psychology of a return to normal weather is having on the region.


Lands Commission hears Venoco’s plan for Ellwood facility

By   /  Friday, December 12th, 2014  /  Columns, Latest news, Law & Goverment, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Lands Commission hears Venoco’s plan for Ellwood facility

Denver-based oil and gas producer Venoco, which has significant operations on the South Coast, is pushing to have its revised environmental impact report approved for the recommissioning of an old well at Haskell’s Beach.