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Nipomo oil refinery fight bubbles over

By   /  Friday, February 21st, 2014  /  Central Coast, Real Estate, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Nipomo oil refinery fight bubbles over

A fight over expansion at an oil refinery near Nipomo has taken shape, with the source of new oil and a potential clash between federal and county regulation of railroads emerging as key issues.


Chinese firm to pump $665M investment into Santa Maria oil field

By   /  Wednesday, February 19th, 2014  /  Central Coast, Technology, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Chinese firm to pump $665M investment into Santa Maria oil field

One of the most prominent oil field redevelopments in Santa Barbara County is set to be acquired by a Chinese jewelry firm. Houston-based ERG Resources confirmed to the Business Times that it is set to be acquired by Beijing-based Goldleaf Jewelry Co., a jewelry firm that also has gold mining investments.


$114M slated to fuel Santa Maria Energy operations

By   /  Friday, January 10th, 2014  /  Central Coast, Real Estate, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy, Tri-County Public Companies  /  Comments Off on $114M slated to fuel Santa Maria Energy operations

Santa Maria Energy has disclosed plans to pump up to $114 million into Santa Barbara County this year as it pursues its $1.2 billion in oil reserves and more than 7,700 potential drilling locations.


Outside funds fuel county’s energy boom

By   /  Friday, December 13th, 2013  /  Central Coast, South Coast, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Outside funds fuel county’s energy boom

Santa Maria Energy’s deal to go public and bring its total funds raised to date to an estimated $90 million caps a flurry of renewed investment and activity in Santa Barbara County’s oil fields, both onshore and offshore. In addition to 136 wells that Santa Maria Energy has planned, Denver-based Venoco has proposals before regulators Read More →


Santa Maria Energy to raise $40M, go public

By   /  Thursday, December 5th, 2013  /  Central Coast, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Santa Maria Energy to raise $40M, go public

Santa Maria Energy is going public and raising at least $40 million in new capital — and possibly much more – which could put the firm’s total funds raised at an estimated $90 million.

Santa Maria Energy’s contentious project to drill 136 new oil wells in North Santa Barbara County received approval from the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors last month. The Supervisors imposed strict limits on the project’s carbon emissions, essentially implementing a 10,000-ton-per-year cap and requiring the company to buy carbon credits if it goes over that limit.


Editorial: SB County oil cap vote is a slap in Santa Maria’s face

By   /  Friday, November 22nd, 2013  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: SB County oil cap vote is a slap in Santa Maria’s face

Santa Barbara County has slammed the door on the fingers of the Santa Maria Energy project — but not taken a stand that shuts that door completely. The approach has been, ‘If we can’t block it, we’ll regulate it in to nonprofitability.’


Emissions cap prompts oil firm backlash

By   /  Friday, November 22nd, 2013  /  Central Coast, Real Estate, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Emissions cap prompts oil firm backlash

Santa Barbara County’s decision to impose a strict cap on carbon emissions from a proposed oil project puts the county at a competitive disadvantage in California and likely will cut into the money energy firms pump into the regional economy.

The Board of Supervisors voted 3-2 on Nov. 12 to require Santa Maria Energy to cap its carbon emissions at 10,000 tons per year. Santa Maria Energy had proposed 136 wells for a site near Orcutt.

Santa Barbara County’s oil is thick and viscous. In order to extract it, companies inject steam into wells to soften the oil. Burning natural gas to create the steam is what generates the bulk of carbon emissions.