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Opinion: Diversification works; here’s why

By   /  Friday, February 11th, 2022  /  Banking & Finance, Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion, Personal Finance  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Diversification works; here’s why

By Arthur Swalley The past two years in the capital markets are a textbook example of how diversification works. After the pandemic crash in February and March 2020, market returns were led by “pandemic” stocks like Zoom and Amazon. As interest rates remained low, resulting in higher multiples being placed on growing cash flows, large Read More →


Opinion: Top 10 pandemic hopes for 2022

By   /  Friday, January 14th, 2022  /  Health Care & Life Science, Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Top 10 pandemic hopes for 2022

By Ritch Eich Pandemic fatigue is a real thing. I’m tired of the pandemic, you’re tired of the pandemic, people the world over are tired of the pandemic. But COVID-19 continues to harass us, and no one knows when the pandemic will end. In the meantime, let’s do what we can to make life better, Read More →


Opinion: Cal Lutheran has made good on its Gallegly Center commitment

By   /  Tuesday, December 7th, 2021  /  East Ventura County, Government, Higher Education, Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Cal Lutheran has made good on its Gallegly Center commitment

By Lori E. Varlotta In the eight years since the launch of the nonpartisan Elton and Janice Gallegly Center for Public Service and Civic Engagement at California Lutheran University, the university has honored its commitment to the former congressman through its unwavering support of a fellowship program and the construction of a beautiful center that Read More →


Opinion: Exploring the economic ties between old world and new

By   /  Friday, November 19th, 2021  /  Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Exploring the economic ties between old world and new

By John Chamberlain The European economy is one of the largest on Earth, and it is also one of the richest regions as measured by assets under management, with over $32.7 trillion. The European Union’s GDP was estimated to be around $15 trillion in 2020, representing around one-sixth of the global economy. The euro is Read More →


Opinion: REACH looks back and ahead

By   /  Friday, November 12th, 2021  /  Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: REACH looks back and ahead

By Melissa James It’s a little funny looking back — though it wasn’t so funny at the time — that REACH was set to debut its 10-year regional economic action plan on March 16, 2020, the very day COVID-19 shut down our schools and communities. As a new economic action coalition serving the Central Coast, Read More →


Opinion: Putting DEI principles into practice

By   /  Friday, November 5th, 2021  /  Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Putting DEI principles into practice

By Cynder Sinclair Have you been hearing more and more about organizations creating a policy to address diversity, equity, and inclusion? Sometimes referred to as “DEI” and sometimes “DEIJ,” with the J signifying justice, many nonprofits and businesses are adopting such policies as part of their board governance to guide their organization. I recently met Read More →


Opinion: Turning back the Doomsday Clock means thinking about the common good

By   /  Friday, November 5th, 2021  /  Higher Education, Latest news, Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Opinion: Turning back the Doomsday Clock means thinking about the common good

By Jamshid Damooei The Doomsday Clock is a symbol that represents the likelihood of man-made global catastrophe. It was created and maintained since 1947 by the members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, a nonprofit organization concerning science and global security issues resulting from accelerating technological advances that have negative consequences for humanity. Our Read More →