Hansen ag research center searching for next big crop

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Our view: Cap and trade program shows power of markets

California’s experiment with a market-based solution to reduce carbon emissions took a step toward becoming a reality Aug. 22, when the latest round of bidding for cap-and-trade permits went off without a hitch. In fact, the permit auction drew close to $1 billion, creating perhaps as much as $640 million in revenue for the state. Read More →
Oxnard hospital announces expansion and modernization project

Story updated at 4:22 p.m. Aug. 21: St. John’s Regional Medical Center announced Aug. 21 a major expansion and modernization project that it said will create a hospital of the future in Oxnard as it strives to compete with other medical facilities in Ventura County. “These new additions to our hospital further support our mission Read More →
Study finds Puente Power Project alternatives could meet energy needs

A combination of energy storage, additional solar energy generation and demand-response energy sources could meet the needs of the Ventura County region that would be served by the proposed Puente Power Project in Oxnard. Part of a study requested by the California Energy Commission, the California Independent Systems Operator Corp. released a study Aug. 16 Read More →
Clean Diesel Technologies reports higher net loss for second quarter

Second quarter revenues remained flat at $8.4 million for Clean Diesel Technologies compared to 2016 but net losses increased to $385,000. The Oxnard-based company makes emissions control technology for diesel vehicles. A cost cutting initiative helped bring operating expenses down to $2.3 million for the quarter ended June 30, less than half what they were Read More →

Mission Produce automates avocado processing in Oxnard

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NRG power plant project in Oxnard nears decision

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