Tri-county airports jockey for more daily flights

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Loyal customers keep BG’s Cafe in Oxnard thriving for 45 years

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Dignity Health plans merger with Catholic Health Initiatives

San Francisco-based Dignity Health plans to merge with Colorado-based Catholic Health Initiatives in a deal that would combine a couple of the largest nonprofit providers in the country, Dignity announced on Oct. 24. Dignity Health owns five hospitals in the Tri-Counties, including Arroyo Grande Community Hospital, French Hospital Medical Center in San Luis Obispo, St. Read More →
NRG moves forward with Oxnard power plant site

Despite a recent setback from the California Coastal Commission, Houston-based NRG Energy is pressing ahead with plans to build a new power plant along the Oxnard coast. If built, the company claims construction of the facility could have an economic impact of at least $93 million on the region. But the California Coastal Commission handed Read More →

Oxnard planning downtown revitalization

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CalAmp misses analyst estimates for second quarter

CalAmp fell short of revenue and earnings per share estimates for the second quarter, the company reported Sept. 29. Net income was $521,000, which was down from $3.4 million in the second quarter of 2015. CalAmp posted revenues of $90.5 million, up from revenues of $69.8 million during the same quarter in 2015 but just Read More →