This benefit season won’t be the same, but it could be better

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Heat threatens to roast region’s crops

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Pandemic eviction protection extended another five months.
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Sonos, Amgen, Teledyne lead the region in patents

Corporate research and development departments in the Tri-Counties churned out hundreds of new inventions in 2020, driving strong patent activity that has been undeterred by the coronavirus pandemic. A Business Times analysis of 975 patents granted to area inventors in the last 12 months showed imaging and semiconductor technologies remain some of the top avenues Read More →
Putting trust in the community: donations drive Housing Trust Fund

Affordable housing doesn’t build itself, and it doesn’t fund itself, either. To help developers create more affordable housing, Housing Trust Fund Ventura County has raised $5 million, and it’s hoping to raise a lot more. “Our mission is to fill this huge gap of a lack of affordable housing,” said Housing Trust Fund CEO Linda Read More →