For Central Coast space industry, job growth is the Final Frontier

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Don’t touch and go: Allthenticate prepares offices and workers for safe returns

Businesses are searching for ways to reduce touchpoints in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, and one Goleta cybersecurity firm has a touch-free technology that could answer the call. UC Santa Barbara startup Allthenticate has netted $500,000 in venture capital to fund the rollout of cell phone software and smart door readers that allows access Read More →
With IPO on shelf, Carpinteria’s Procore trims staff

Construction companies facing more than their usual share of cyclical uncertainty are turning in larger numbers than ever to software solutions that promise efficiency, creating new opportunities for firms like Procore. However, Carpinteria-based Procore recently announced the layoff of dozens of workers, the latest in a series of steps it has taken to respond to Read More →

Refinancing boom hits Central Coast

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Exceeding expectations: Cal Poly campaign beats goal, tops $800 million

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Breakthrough gives citrus growers hope

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