Community Bank of Santa Maria reports strong Q3 earnings, despite slight drop in net income

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Conception dive boat fire survivor files for damages

A crew member who was aboard the dive boat Conception when a fire broke out Labor Day weekend, sinking the vessel and killing 34 people, filed for damages against the owner Truth Aquatics and dive charter company Worldwide Diving Adventures. In filings in Ventura County Superior Court, Ryan Sims said he was asleep on the Read More →

White Fox adds another $12 million to its Series A funding round

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In memoriam: Drescher was an iconic Ventura leader

It’s fair to say that the Pacific Coast Business Times might not have survived its early years without the advice and counsel of the late Philip Drescher, a longtime Ventura County attorney, who passed away in mid-July in Montana at age 83. I met Phil more than 20 years ago on a trip to the Read More →

Amgen adds two cancer treatment biosimilars to the market

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