Op/ed: The fiscal cliff is the perfect financial storm of 2013
A toxic combination of tax increases and spending cuts that happen on Jan. 1.
Editorial: Silliness in Sacramento continues
In Sacramento, the annual budget follies continue. The Democrat-controlled Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown can’t agree on a formula to come up with a plan for the new fiscal year. Opposition from small business groups and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association dramatically increases the odds that Brown’s plan for tax hikes to close a $16 Read More →
Feinstein: Federal and state gov’t needs to focus on tax policies
For the United States to truly recover from the Great Recession, the federal government and its state counterparts need to be creative with tax reform and budget proposals to jumpstart the economy. That was the view of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who spoke at a luncheon hosted by the Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Read More →
Editorial: Ryan shies away from VP talk
House Budget Committee Chair Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, made news May 22 with a speech at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley. Notably he warned against the kind of austerity trap — a combination of tax hikes and spending cuts — that has badly crippled several European economies. He also dodged questions about joining Read More →
Williams: Green jobs key to Central Coast economy
The Central Coast has the potential to be a green-jobs leader, but the public sector must provide supportive policies. That was the view from 35th District Assembly Member Das Williams, D-Santa Barbara, who hosted the second annual Green Jobs Summit at Ventura City Hall on May 19. Government needs to “send the right signals,” he Read More →