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Op/ed: Unproductive Congress hurts bankers and borrowers

By   /  Friday, October 3rd, 2014  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Unproductive Congress hurts bankers and borrowers

By Rodney Brown Members of the California Bankers Association annually travel to Washington, D.C., to speak with our elected representatives about some of the major legislative issues that are a priority for our industry and our customers. On our fall trip this year, we learned firsthand how truly gridlocked this Congress is, and the unfortunate Read More →


Editorial: Santa Barbara County voters should reject Measure P

By   /  Friday, September 26th, 2014  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  1 Comment

We believe that climate change is a serious threat to the global economy and that human activity is a significant contributor to global warming. We believe that significant policy changes about how we obtain and use energy will be required to reduce the human impact on climate change. But we also believe that market-based solutions Read More →


Measure P puts future of oil drilling at stake

By   /  Friday, September 5th, 2014  /  Central Coast, Green Coast, Law & Goverment, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Measure P puts future of oil drilling at stake

Measure P would ban the use of techniques such as hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, and acid stimulation, which aren’t currently in use in the county. But it would also ban practices such as cyclic steaming, which is in use at about one-third of Santa Barbara County’s nearly 1,200 wells.


Letter: A construction firm owner’s perspective on Measure P

By   /  Friday, September 5th, 2014  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: A construction firm owner’s perspective on Measure P

Dear Editor: Construction is a cyclical industry. As the owner of a construction company in Santa Barbara County, I have focused on trying to dampen these high and low swings. By not having to lay off any employees since the 2008 economic downturn, it seems fair to say that we have been reasonably successful. For Read More →


Letter: The chamber doesn’t represent us

By   /  Friday, September 5th, 2014  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: The chamber doesn’t represent us

Dear Editor: I was one of 50 South Coast business owners and founders who sent a letter to the Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Commerce asking it to endorse Measure P, the Healthy Air & Water Initiative to ban fracking and other extreme oil extraction in Santa Barbara County. This was an impressive and diverse Read More →


Cabbies hail help from Sacramento: Bills target Uber, Lyft

By   /  Friday, August 29th, 2014  /  Central Coast, Law & Goverment, Small Business, South Coast, Technology, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy, West Ventura County  /  Comments Off on Cabbies hail help from Sacramento: Bills target Uber, Lyft

Two pending bills in the state Senate could significantly change the competitive landscape between booming ridesharing startups such as Lyft and Uber and the flagging taxi-cab industry in California.


The Bank of Santa Barbara CEO steps down

By   /  Wednesday, May 14th, 2014  /  Banking & Finance, Banking Industry, South Coast, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on The Bank of Santa Barbara CEO steps down

The Bank of Santa Barbara is seeking a new CEO as it races to comply with a regulatory order related to violations of Bank Secrecy Act reporting rules.