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Allen Associates draws attention for focus on high-end green homes

By   /  Friday, June 21st, 2013  /  Columns, Real Estate  /  Comments Off on Allen Associates draws attention for focus on high-end green homes

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Shea makes a play for retirees with Rice Ranch project purchase

By   /  Friday, March 15th, 2013  /  Central Coast, Columns, Real Estate  /  Comments Off on Shea makes a play for retirees with Rice Ranch project purchase

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Ventura startup aims to make real estate sales a social business

By   /  Friday, April 27th, 2012  /  Columns, Real Estate, Technology  /  Comments Off on Ventura startup aims to make real estate sales a social business

Ventura Home Team wants to put a socially responsible spin on real estate selling.


Editorial: Bargain hunters in Ventura County

By   /  Friday, December 2nd, 2011  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Bargain hunters in Ventura County

In the case of Ventura County, it is aging baby boomers looking for second homes on the cheap who are checking out the area.


At home on the coast: Housing Partnership turns 25

By   /  Friday, November 4th, 2011  /  Features, Nonprofits, Real Estate  /  Comments Off on At home on the coast: Housing Partnership turns 25

Coastal Housing Partnership, a nonprofit organization that helps South Coast employers provide housing assistance to their employees, turned 25 this year.


Economist: Recovery for Ventura County housing several years out

By   /  Friday, September 16th, 2011  /  Columns, Real Estate  /  Comments Off on Economist: Recovery for Ventura County housing several years out

The housing market in Ventura County and elsewhere will continue to be haunted by shadow inventory for several years.


City Ventures looks to Ventura for Periwinkle Avenue home sites

By   /  Friday, August 19th, 2011  /  Columns, Real Estate  /  Comments Off on City Ventures looks to Ventura for Periwinkle Avenue home sites

City Ventures is building 47 single-family homes in Ventura after the successful debut of a town home development in Santa Barbara’s East Beach area.