The project, which has not yet started to wind its way through what will likely be a lengthy entitlement process, is the second investment by Somera Management and Postcard Properties in south SLO County.
Demand is up at the region’s food banks, and supply is down. In the for-profit world, those two factors would mean higher prices, but since food banks give away their products, their cupboards are starting to look a bit bare.
By Editorial Board / Friday, February 28th, 2014 / Editorials, Opinion / Comments Off on Editorial: Common sense takes hold in Paso water debate
The solution lies in a bit of cooperation from the weather and the implementation of new technology to both measure supply and dramatically improve the management of demand for water. Some people don’t like these solutions because they mean accountability and almost certainly much higher costs for inefficient users.
Film production in San Luis Obispo County is on a roll, creating an estimated $4.1 million economic impact last year over 183 filming days. Notable credits include ABC’s “The Taste” and a slew of car commercials.
A fight over expansion at an oil refinery near Nipomo has taken shape, with the source of new oil and a potential clash between federal and county regulation of railroads emerging as key issues.
Customers of the State Water Project will not receive any water deliveries this year if current dry conditions persist, a cutback that could be troublesome for certain tri-county cities.