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Goleta nonprofit Direct Relief moving forward with building

By   /  Friday, August 7th, 2015  /  Columns, Nonprofits, Real Estate  /  Comments Off on Goleta nonprofit Direct Relief moving forward with building

Goleta-based nonprofit Direct Relief is one step closer to building a new 155,000-square-foot facility by the Santa Barbara Airport where it could produce and distribute humanitarian aid, medicine and other vital supplies to impoverished and disaster-stricken communities around the world. The Santa Barbara Architectural Board of Review continued the project after its first concept review Read More →


Ground transit takes off

By   /  Friday, May 15th, 2015  /  Latest news, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Ground transit takes off

  As airlines cut back flights out of Santa Barbara Airport, the Santa Barbara Airbus has made up the ground. Many travelers face less-than-convenient itineraries or premium ticket prices to fly between smaller cities, which have them exploring other options. Major airlines have been scaling down as fuel prices spiked, flight occupancy dipped and carriers Read More →


Business flyers trade bigger planes for fewer flights

By   /  Friday, March 27th, 2015  /  Latest news, Top Stories, Tourism  /  Comments Off on Business flyers trade bigger planes for fewer flights

The latest maneuvers by United Airlines could push travelers to look to Burbank and LAX for convenience and cost savings.


Frontier Airlines to drop Santa Barbara service

By   /  Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014  /  South Coast, Top Stories, Tourism, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Frontier Airlines to drop Santa Barbara service

  Frontier Airlines will suspend all flights from the Santa Barbara Airport starting in January, the company has confirmed to the Business Times. The budget airline will continue to offer about four flights a week to Denver, its home airport, until Jan. 6, 2015, when these flights will be halted completely until late May 2015.  Read More →


American Airlines to stop flying to LAX from SBA

By   /  Thursday, February 27th, 2014  /  South Coast, Tourism, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on American Airlines to stop flying to LAX from SBA

American Airlines will no longer offer service to Los Angeles from the Santa Barbara Airport starting April 1. The change is due to a nationwide restructuring of the airline’s routes, according to a Feb. 26 announcement.


Editorial: Airport leader helped South Coast lift off

By   /  Friday, November 1st, 2013  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Airport leader helped South Coast lift off

Faced with a community whose utter contempt for the words “economic development” is legendary, Karen Ramsdell did something surprisingly entrepreneurial.

She cobbled together roughly $170 million in debt capital and government grants and gave the South Coast one of the greatest economic development tools ever invented — a spanking new airport.


American Eagle to take over ground services at SB Airport

By   /  Friday, June 15th, 2012  /  Top Stories, Tourism  /  1 Comment

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