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Letter: With Prop. 29, the devil is in the details

By   /  Friday, March 23rd, 2012  /  Letters to the Editor, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Letter: With Prop. 29, the devil is in the details

This measure allows Californians’ hard-earned tax dollars to be spent outside the state, even outside the country.


New cigarette tax could be breath of fresh air for cancer researchers

By   /  Friday, March 9th, 2012  /  Columns, Opinion  /  2 Comments

Prop. 29, which requires a simple majority to pass, would impose a $1 per-pack tax on cigarettes.


Applying the Martinez Mantra to three big public policy issues

By   /  Friday, February 24th, 2012  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Applying the Martinez Mantra to three big public policy issues

A look at three big public policy issues through the lens of the Deckers exec’s rule.


Editorial: Simi councilman’s smart proposal

By   /  Friday, February 17th, 2012  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Simi councilman’s smart proposal

Rather than punish small businesses by suppressing demand for their services, Councilman Glen Beccerra has proposed fee waivers.


Editorial: Schneider’s tax will take a big toll

By   /  Friday, February 10th, 2012  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Schneider’s tax will take a big toll

Santa Barbara Mayor Helene Schneider has chosen a stick-and-stick approach to filling a budget shortfall and reforming public pensions.


VC taxpayers tackle public pensions

By   /  Friday, January 27th, 2012  /  Latest news, Tri-County Economy  /  1 Comment

Ventura County CEO Mike Powers told a taxpayer group that Ventura’s pension system reforms have spurred similar actions around the state. But he faced tough questions from the group about retired public safety officers with six-figure pensions and the 22 officials who are bringing in more than $200,000 a year in retirement. Powers spoke at Read More →


Rethinking corporate taxes to put the U.S. economy on a faster track

By   /  Friday, January 27th, 2012  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Rethinking corporate taxes to put the U.S. economy on a faster track

The U.S. now has consistently higher tax rates than many other countries, and delays in getting a fix are costing jobs and money.